Nothing much to update about his milestones, seems like he spends lots of his time to master his walking skill. Alhamdulillah he now managed to walk steadily, no more crawling baby in the house, yatta ne!
Starting with last week, I bring him outside regularly to let him explore more, but since now is still summer and ramadhan, really hot and I don't want to get tired and feel extremely exhausted at the end of the day so we just going to supermarket(ada aircond, hihi), tu pun lepas solat asar sebab time tu dah teduh sikit, while I do my shopping, I let him free wandering around. Of course he is more than happy to get the chance to walk all by himself, takmau pegang2 hokey, berlagak sungguh! The sad part is we can't spend more than an hour anywhere, we have to rush back home due to I need to prepare foods for our break fast. Kadang2 tu kesian jugak tengok muka dia, orang nak jalan tak puas lagi tiba2 dah kena kendong bawa balik. So I keep promising them that I'll bring them to shopping mall after raya...
He loves to imitate Rafiqh in all ways, whatever Rafiqh does obviously he's trying to copy. Orang kata nanti dia akan lebih cepat bercakap, well, kita tengok nanti. Besides that, I think Rafiqh ni pun banyak imitate Raziqh jugak. Sometimes he talks like a baby, he crawls too, haha, maybe he just trying to get our attention, ya laa kan, dia tengok whatever Raziqh buat he easily caught our attention, so mungkin dia nak cuba cara yang sama lah, hihi...
Raziqh is still fully breastfeed, yet to top up with freshmilk(fm) since so far I'm satisfied with my milk production, alhamdulillah. Kalau before ramadhan dulu it almost mustahil to feel engorgement but now I'm back to experience it, hopefully this will continue until he reaches 2years old, amin. But I do have planning to introduce fm to him, maybe in 2~3months from now, as Rafiqh started to drink fm at 1year 2months. So nanti boleh variasikan foods dia, boleh mix cornflakes and oat with fm, boleh buat bubur susu, etc etc, best!
Sekarang dia dah pandai minum pakai botol susu, yeay! Mudah kerja mama nak bagi dia minum air banyak2, bukan tak boleh bagi dalam cawan atau tupperware or etc. but it always end up with dia main tuang2 habis atas lantai. Dengan botol susu pun dia buat jugak kadang2 but the damage is still tolerateable laa kan sebab sikit2 aja yang keluar. So now I just have to fill the bottle all the time, whenever he feels like to drink, he takes it and drinks on his own...
Both 2R have new hobby lately, they love to melepak depan tingkap bilik tidur, tengok bawah nampak ada kereta, ada kids main kat playground and most importantly they're waiting for ayah to come back from work everyday. Setiap hari pagi tengahari petang tak kira masa depa suka sangat duk depan tingkap tu. Bila nampak kereta ayah, masing2 dok jerit panggil ayah2, I'm so sure bukan takat blok ni ja dengar suara depa tapi blok2 berdekatan pun boleh dengar dengan jelas, haha. Sah2 ayah depa seronok laa kan nampak anak2nya dok bergayut kat tingkap lambai2 dia, kalau depa tak lepak depan tu pun, depa cam sangat dah bunyi enjin evo tu, baru nak masuk area rumah pun dua2 dah terkam dah, hihi. And if you ask Raziqh, "mana ayah?" he will go straight to the window dan jenguk kat car park tempat ayahnya park kereta hitam, sooo cute!
Ni ja yang terlintas buat masa ni, nanti2 update lagi. Happy 13months baby!

hihi.geram btl tgk raziqh ni :D! bgs2, sy pun nak bfeed adam smpai 2thn, insyaALLAH. tp tu la, once die msk setahun kene introduce gak to fm kan kak?so dat die ble merase bnde2 len gak la.
it's depends on u n adam laa kan,kdg2 budak bf ni bijak,mmg taknak susu lain,hehe.klau kat sini lps umur 1year mmg paed akan suruh bagi fm.akak pun tgk raziqh punya penerimaan laa...
jom bf sampai 2thn ye,insyaAllah
dah besar dah adik!!nnt balik sini dah ready utk melakukan aktiviti tawaf rumah tok abah n tok ma.hehe
maklang dok kempunan la nak tgk video onichan n adik.bile la mama nak upload ni?huhu
adik dah ready dah ni,tunggu naa,haha...
satgi mama try upload lagi,sabaq ya maklang!
alala comelnyer raziqh :D makin byk kan peel bdk2 ni fith. geram je kdg2 tu tp klaka hihi. kiter plak br nk try2 bg ihsan susu lain. setakat ni br bg fm yg spare masa dia mula2 lahir dlu utk cicah dgn biskut time bekfes (sbb nk perabih stok nk buang sayang). tp tu ler dia xminum pn setakat cicah je. xsedap kot brand tu. tp mama pun xlalu dgn bau susu tu. tp cuba perabih gak la kalau rajin. xsuka buang2 mknan. tp rasa nya nk kene carikla resepi apa2 utk hbskan susu tu if not cnfirm xhbs. nnt try bg fresh milk plak :D
biasanya mmg diorg ni akan reject susu2 lain.mcm rafiqh dulu pun bagi sikit2.klau formula milk boleh buat masak.buat roti ka kek ka muffins ka biskut ka kan.tak rosak kot even berbulan2 pun,hehe,gambatte ne!
fith prefer bg freshmilk sbb lg sedap.formula milk nihong mmg tak sedap,klau kat msia pulak terlalu manis,hish mcm2!
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