Monday, January 11, 2010

Constipation @ sembelit

Raziqh dah beberapa hari tak poop, haihhh...
Nasib baiklah dah ada pengalaman handle situasi ni dengan Rafiqh dulu, so this time taklah gelabah. Oh actually this is not the 1st time, in fact dah banyak kali pun si Raziqh ni skip berhari2 tak 'membuang', taktau for what reason this happen, so now I cuma perlu monitor keadaan dia saja, without any other symptoms such as vomiting, swollen tummy and etc., insyaAllah tak apa2 laa...

Masa Rafiqh kecik dulu, pernah dia tak 'membuang' selama hampir seminggu, masa tu dia fully-breastfed. Memanglah risau kan sebab sejak lahir dia memang jenis yang membuang at least sekali sehari. Then we googled the infos in baby's websites and went to meet his paed and asked him directly regarding this problem. The doctor told us(and we got the same answer from the websites) that for fully-breastfed baby, a week seems to be normal for not having his bowel movement...

Actually there's no such thing as normal number of bowel movements per day, bila dan berapa kerap our baby moves his bowels can depend on when and what he eats, his level of activity and how rapidly his body digests food. Constipation occurs when stool backs up in the intestines, either delaying bowel movements or making them hard for our baby to pass. Our baby may be constipated if any of the following is the case:
- his stolls are hard and dry or have blood in them
- 3 or more days have passed since his last bowel movement
- he shows persistent discomfort when moving his bowels

Penyebab utama constipation boleh dilihat pada sumber pemakanan bayi kita. Jika bayi kita fully breastfeed, so constipation is rare, but still it's possible to happen. We have to refer our baby's doctor if his stools are hard, dry and painful. Tapi kalau dia nampak ok dan bila membuang dia tak tunjukkan reaksi yang dia sakit dll, tak perlulah risau... Kalau risau, jumpa doktor, habis cerita!

Bagi bayi yang hanya diberi minum formula milk pulak, berkemungkinan the particular brand he's drinking may not agree with him. Switching brands may help to solve the problem.

Selain itu, constipation can also be caused by dehydration. Kekurangan air dalam badan menyukarkan bowel movements, so giving our baby more fluids can help. If our baby is already eating solid foods, try giving him prune or pear juice(but not citrus fruits' juices-oranges,lemons etc. until our baby reaches 1).

Aside from making changes to his diet, here are a few more tricks for getting bowels back on track:
- wiggle his legs in a gentle pedaling motion while he's lying on his back
- gently but firmly massage his belly below his navel. If we feel a firm area, keep a steady pressure there for a few moments

Hopefully Raziqh tak apa2 lah, since he's still fully breastfeed so nothing much I could do about his diet(I do eat and drink lots of water, orange and etc.), all I can do now is to massage him 2times in a day.

Owh Raziqh, sila poop setiap hari, buleh?!
Edited: yer dik, sila poopoo setiap hari sebab mama tak tahan lah bila berhari2 Raziqh tak poop, sekali buang perghhhh mama pengsan! Punyalah banyak dan tobat busuk tak hingat! hakhakhak


ojasamid said...

alalala..raziqh `simpan` poo ka?
tp mmg kalau bb yg bf benda ni seemed normal unless tetiba poo dia yg keras n baby gets cranky tak sedap badan kan.;)

we used to experience this with both 2As, n now bila ayyasy dh start solid (though masih makan sekali dua saje sehari) tetap menten "menyimpan" utk 2,3 hari punya stok. :p bila tanya paed mmg paed pon kata ada baby yg jenis `suka simpan`, so tak perlu risau asalkan sumer ok. hehe.

(tetiba teringat anak kawan akak yg exclusively bf-ed time tu, smpi 28 hari dia tak membuang! tp budaknya sentiasa ceria so maknya tak risau sgt. hari ke-29 baru kuar sumer stok dkt sebulan tu. mmg haru sungguh lah! haha)

Fith said...

kak oja,
anak sedara fith pun patent suka simpan,mmg jenis membuang jarang2,dulu rasa lawak bila dgr tp bila kena batang hidung sndr,gelak kat diri sndr plak,haha...

yer betul tu kak,lps proses tak poop berhari2 tu,sekali dia buang,pengsan mak dia,hahaha,dah laa bykkkkk,busukkkk tobat tak hingat,hahaha,anak2!sabo je laa kan

zura said...

chup..! ade ek yg sampai 28hari tak membuang..! perghh pengsan..! event org cakap baby yg exclusive bf nie dia punya poo tu tak la sehebat bau poo yg amik fm..! ttp laa boleh pitam gak bau dia kan..! lagi la pulak yg guna cd kan fith..!

nak membersihkannya tu satu hal lagi..!

Fith said...

ya betulllll,pengsan gak sekali dia membuang lps lamaaa tak membuang,hahaha...hebat kan,sampai 28hari,perghhh...
ha mmg pun,tambah klau pakai cd,time dia lama tak membuang tu,byk satu hal pastu mcm melekit yg susah nak tanggalkan,hadoiiii...
baby zura pun pakai cds ker?

zura said...

yup.., baru nak berjinak2 la fith dgn cd..! macam syok pulak bila dah stat ber cd nie..!

tapi masih belum master mcm fith lagi laa..! masih kekok lagi sikit2..! eheheheh

mase memula nak guna cd tu ari..! org baca semua entry fith pasal cd nie..! secara tak langsung banyak membantu laa..! ehehehehhe


Fith said...

oh ye ker,hehe,good2,mari ber-cd...mmg best kan,rasa ada kepuasan bila dpt kurangkn bil pemakaian dispo diorg ni,sbnrnya fith malas nak pi buang hahaha...

hehe menulis serba sikit apa yg tau ja,byk lg taktau ni...