Saturday, February 21, 2009

Can I feed my baby honey?

Sejak masuk rumah baru ni, belum sekali pun I berkongsi apa2 info kan. So for today, lets share whatever info you guys have regarding this topic!

Masa balik Malaysia tahun lepas, Rafiqh selsema. My PIL, saudara-mara and even my mom sendiri pun suruh I bagi Rafiqh makan madu. Yup, everyone knows that honey is good for our body, but the point is who you want to feed? A BABY! I tak salahkan sesiapa yang nasihatkan I untuk buat itu ini, tapi I cukup tak suka bila I dah explainded kenapa tak boleh, mereka berkeras paksa2. Oh sungguh mencabar kesabaranku ok. So in my case, I just ignored, buat2 pekak!

Q : I've heard that I shouldn't feed my baby honey. Is this true?

A : It's true that honey should not be fed to infants younger than 1 year old. Clostridium bacteria that cause infant botulism usually thrive in soil and dust. However, they can also contaminate certain foods — honey in particular. Infant botulism can cause muscle weakness, with signs like poor sucking, a weak cry, constipation, and an overall decreased muscle tone (floppiness).
Parents can reduce the risk of infant botulism by not introducing honey into their baby's diet until after the first birthday. As kids get older, their bodies are better able to handle the bacteria.

For more information, check out this article:


kew_chop said...

honey?? tak penah terpikir nak bagi kat anak mase maira kecik2 dulu. sekarang dah besar sket just campur dlm fresh milk jek.

Fith said...

haha itulah pasal kan.another thing is honey tu kan "panas",kesian baby...fith pun sekarang bagi rafiqh honey dengan masukkan dalam foods dia,contoh masa buat biskut.

kew_chop said...

tadi teringat balik, mase BF maira dulu pun ade yang sibuk2 soh bagi air masak kat anak takut kene penyakit ape ntah yang putih2 kat mulut tu. tapi bile survey ckp kalo BF baby tak perlu pun bagi air. peningkan, macam2 org ckp. kang kalo kite menjawab ckp lebih2 ckp kite plak yang nak jadik cikgu.. poning den ni, apapun yang baik kite ikut, yang rase kurang setuju tu simpan dlm hati jekla.. hihihi..

Fith said...

rasa macam semua ibu2 baru akan hadapi masalah macam ni kan.bukannya kita nak tunjuk pandai atau memandai2,tapi dah memang kajian perubatan buktikan sesuatu yang baru,tak salah laa kalau kita buat benda yang kita rasa betul kan.tapi tu laa,kalau orang2 tua ni susah nak bangkang.kalau taraf kawan2 je,anggap je dia kurang ilmu,hahaha